35 Random WTF Fun Facts

Amazing Random Facts: 

The New Zealand badminton team was originally nicknamed ‘the Black Cocks’ as a marketing ploy but had to drop it after complaints.
The New Zealand badminton team was originally nicknamed ‘the Black Cocks’ as a marketing ploy but had to drop it after complaints. 

Despite their diet being composed of 99% bamboo, pandas are part of the order Carnivora, because physiologically they are made to eat meat.  Thus, they are essentially vegetarians.

Despite their diet being composed of 99% bamboo, pandas are part of the order Carnivora, because physiologically they are made to eat meat.  Thus, they are essentially vegetarians.

When J. R. R. Tolkien’s son Michael enlisted in the Army, he put on his paperwork that his father’s profession was ‘Wizard’.
When J. R. R. Tolkien’s son Michael enlisted in the Army, he put on his paperwork that his father’s profession was ‘Wizard’.

A banana peel has many practical uses including treating a splinter in your finger, stopping a dvd or cd from skipping, soothe insect  bites, polish your shoes or silver, whiten your teeth, and more!
A banana peel has many practical uses including treating a splinter in your finger, stopping a dvd or cd from skipping, soothe insect  bites, polish your shoes or silver, whiten your teeth, and more! 

The Haskell Free Library and Opera House is an opera house on the U.S. - Canada border where the stage is in one country and half the audience is in another.
The Haskell Free Library and Opera House is an opera house on the U.S. - Canada border where the stage is in one country and half the audience is in another.

There are beetles named after Darth Vader (Agathidium vaderi), Kate Winslet (Agra katewinsletae), Adolf Hitler (Anophthalmus hitleri), and several other celebrities.
There are beetles named after Darth Vader (Agathidium vaderi), Kate Winslet (Agra katewinsletae), Adolf Hitler (Anophthalmus hitleri), and several other celebrities.

In the Victorian era, people used to say ‘prunes’ instead of 'cheese’ during photographs to make themselves look more serious as they still followed the habits of painted portraiture subjects.
In the Victorian era, people used to say ‘prunes’ instead of 'cheese’ during photographs to make themselves look more serious as they still followed the habits of painted portraiture subjects. 

Between 1956 and 1981, Tressa Prisbey built a ‘village’ made out of recyled bottles in order to house her collection of 17,000 pencils.
Between 1956 and 1981, Tressa Prisbey built a ‘village’ made out of recyled bottles in order to house her collection of 17,000 pencils.  

In the 1930’s, the US Army developed and approved as official national policy major war plans to invade Canada (code name War Plan Crimson) and Mexico (War Plan Green) plus others.
In the 1930’s, the US Army developed and approved as official national policy major war plans to invade Canada (code name War Plan Crimson) and Mexico (War Plan Green) plus others. 

Dr. Henry Heimlich used his life saving maneuver for the first time at the age of 96 to save another retirement home resident.
Dr. Henry Heimlich used his life saving maneuver for the first time at the age of 96 to save another retirement home resident. 

There exists a Fontgate scandal, where the former Prime Minister of Pakistan was found guilty after the documents he submitted as proof were typed in Calibri, a font that didnt exist at the time the document was supposed to have been drafted.
There exists a Fontgate scandal, where the former Prime Minister of Pakistan was found guilty after the documents he submitted as proof were typed in Calibri, a font that didnt exist at the time the document was supposed to have been drafted. 

The pupils of human eyes are at their largest as an adolescent and then slowly shrink until about the age of 60.
The pupils of human eyes are at their largest as an adolescent and then slowly shrink until about the age of 60.

A study found that sleeping on your stomach is the most likely position to produce an erotic dream.
A study found that sleeping on your stomach is the most likely position to produce an erotic dream. 

In Connecticut, a pickle cannot legally be considered a pickle unless it bounces when dropped from the height of 1 foot.
In Connecticut, a pickle cannot legally be considered a pickle unless it bounces when dropped from the height of 1 foot. 

People who are born blind are four times more likely to experience nightmares than sighted people or those who become blind  later in life.
People who are born blind are four times more likely to experience nightmares than sighted people or those who become blind  later in life. 

At the time of his execution, the former king Louis XVI was too fat for the guillotine and it required two attempts to behead him.
At the time of his execution, the former king Louis XVI was too fat for the guillotine and it required two attempts to behead him.

Famous actor Woody Harrelson’s father Charles Harrelson was a convicted contract killer. He was the first person to assassinate a sitting US federal judge.
Famous actor Woody Harrelson’s father Charles Harrelson was a convicted contract killer. He was the first person to assassinate a sitting US federal judge. 

President John F. Kennedy was wearing a corset, which helped relieve some of his back pain, when he was shot.  Experts say it may also have prevented him from ducking the fatal shot.
President John F. Kennedy was wearing a corset, which helped relieve some of his back pain, when he was shot.  Experts say it may also have prevented him from ducking the fatal shot.

The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus is said to have died in a few different ways, but all of them involve being covered in manure.
The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus is said to have died in a few different ways, but all of them involve being covered in manure. 

Queen Elizabeth I was gifted a unicorn horn which she believed could identify poison and cure diseases. It was a crown jewel and became known as the Horn Of Windsor. In  actuality, it was a tusk of a narwhal.
Queen Elizabeth I was gifted a unicorn horn which she believed could identify poison and cure diseases. It was a crown jewel and became known as the Horn Of Windsor. In  actuality, it was a tusk of a narwhal.

Reindeers eyes change to a blue color in the winter to help gather light during the dark arctic months and return to a golden color in the spring and summer.
Reindeers eyes change to a blue color in the winter to help gather light during the dark arctic months and return to a golden color in the spring and summer. 

Wine drinkers pour 12% more wine into a glass they are holding versus one that is sitting the table.
Wine drinkers pour 12% more wine into a glass they are holding versus one that is sitting the table.

Gray whales always mate in a threesome: two males and one female.  The non-dominant male braces the female and helps holds her next to her mate.
Gray whales always mate in a threesome: two males and one female.  The non-dominant male braces the female and helps holds her next to her mate.

In the first publication of the scouts handbook in 1908, the original Boy Scouts’ Motto ‘Be Prepared’ was followed by 'to die for your country if need be…’
In the first publication of the scouts handbook in 1908, the original Boy Scouts’ Motto ‘Be Prepared’ was followed by 'to die for your country if need be…’ 

In 2011, Australia’s Perth Mint created a gigantic A$1million gold coin.  It broke records for both weight and value, weighing over a ton and using gold worth an estimated A$52 million.
In 2011, Australia’s Perth Mint created a gigantic A$1million gold coin.  It broke records for both weight and value, weighing over a ton and using gold worth an estimated A$52 million. 

There’s a Lake Baikal in Russia that is a thousand times older than any other lake on Earth.  It is also the deepest lake and holds 1/5th of the freshwater on our planet.
There’s a Lake Baikal in Russia that is a thousand times older than any other lake on Earth.  It is also the deepest lake and holds 1/5th of the freshwater on our planet.

The daddy-long-legs “flosses” after meals by pulling each of its eight legs through its pincers in order to keep parasites off them.
The daddy-long-legs “flosses” after meals by pulling each of its eight legs through its pincers in order to keep parasites off them.

Feeding silkworm larvae mulberry leaves sprayed with fabric dye results in the dye being transported along the biochemical pathways of the silkworm to produce a colored cocoon and colored silk fibre.
Feeding silkworm larvae mulberry leaves sprayed with fabric dye results in the dye being transported along the biochemical pathways of the silkworm to produce a colored cocoon and colored silk fibre. 

A math professor named Søren Eilers found LEGO® was miscalculating the number of possibilities from a combination of 6 eight-stud bricks.  LEGO® had published a possible combination of 102,981,500, but the actual correct answer is over 915,000,000.
A math professor named Søren Eilers found LEGO® was miscalculating the number of possibilities from a combination of 6 eight-stud bricks.  LEGO® had published a possible combination of 102,981,500, but the actual correct answer is over 915,000,000. 

In 1924, there was a law made in Arizona making it illegal for donkeys to sleep in bathtubs.
In 1924, there was a law made in Arizona making it illegal for donkeys to sleep in bathtubs. 
Apparently there was a donkey that floated away in a flood when a dam gave out and the town spent a great deal of money rescuing the donkey.  They passed the law shortly thereafter to prevent it from happening again!

Sexmoán was a fishing village located in the province of Pampanga, Philippines.  It changed its name to Sasmuan in 1991 due to the negative and sexual connotation associated with its original Spanish name.
Sexmoán was a fishing village located in the province of Pampanga, Philippines.  It changed its name to Sasmuan in 1991 due to the negative and sexual connotation associated with its original Spanish name. 

“The Senator,” a 3500 year old bald cypress in Big Tree Park, Longwood, Florida and the fifth oldest tree in the  world, was burned down by a lady who climbed its branches to  smoke crystal meth.
“The Senator,” a 3500 year old bald cypress in Big Tree Park, Longwood, Florida and the fifth oldest tree in the  world, was burned down by a lady who climbed its branches to  smoke crystal meth.

During World War II, the crew of the British submarine HMS Trident kept a fully grown reindeer called Pollyanna aboard their vessel for six weeks (it was a gift from a USSR naval admiral).
During World War II, the crew of the British submarine HMS Trident kept a fully grown reindeer called Pollyanna aboard their vessel for six weeks (it was a gift from a USSR naval admiral).

Jellyfish born on the space shuttle Columbia in the 1990′s suffered from vertigo when they returned to Earth.  They had abnormal pulsing and movement which lead to difficulty swimming in normal gravity.
Jellyfish born on the space shuttle Columbia in the 1990′s suffered from vertigo when they returned to Earth.  They had abnormal pulsing and movement which lead to difficulty swimming in normal gravity. 

Nollywood, the nickname for the Nigerian film industry, is the second largest producer of films behind India’s Bollywood.  The films are mostly hawked on DVD since there are less than 20 theatres in the whole country.
Nollywood, the nickname for the Nigerian film industry, is the second largest producer of films behind India’s Bollywood.  The films are mostly hawked on DVD since there are less than 20 theatres in the whole country.