Amazing and weird fact about history.

- Officially, the longest war in history was between the Netherlands and the Isles of Scilly, which lasted from 1651 to 1986. There were no casualties.
- The Anglo-Zanzibar war of 1896 is the shortest war on record lasting an exhausting 38 minutes.
- Albert Einstein was offered the role of Israel’s second President in 1952, but declined.
- John F. Kennedy, Anthony Burgess, Aldous Huxley, and C.S. Lewis all died on the same day.
- Napoleon was once attacked by rabbits.
- Karl Marx was once a correspondent for the New York Daily Tribune.
- Kim Jong Il wrote six operas.
- Princeton researchers successfully turned a live cat into a functioning telephone in 1929.
- Ronald Reagan was a lifeguard during high school and saved 77 people’s lives.
- Lord Byron kept a pet bear in his college dorm room.
- In 1912, a Paris orphanage held a raffle to raise money—the prizes were live babies.
- A New Orleans man hired a pirate to rescue Napoleon from his prison on St. Helena.
- The “D” in D-Day stands for “Day”, in other words, “Day-Day”
- The Constitution of the Confederate States of America banned the slave trade.
- When the American Civil War started, Confederate Robert E. Lee owned no slaves. Union general U.S. Grant did.
- England’s King George I was actually German.
- In 1838, General Antonio López de Santa Anna (President of Mexico) had his leg amputated after his ankle was destroyed by canon-fire. He ordered a full military burial for it.
- Contrary to popular belief and legend, Daniel Boone not only did not wear a coonskin cap, he detested them. Instead, Boone wore a felt cap.
- At the start of World War I, the US Airforce (then a component of the US army) had only 18 pilots and 5 - 12 airplanes.
- The very first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin during World War II killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.
- Arabic numerals (the ones used in English) were not invented by the Arabs at all - they were actually invented by Indian mathematicians.
- The Parliament of Iceland is the oldest still acting parliament in the world. It was established in 930.
- Despite the terrible nature of and damage caused by the 1666 Great Fire of London, only 8 people were killed. This is despite the fire destroying at least 13,500 houses.
- Soon after building started in 1173, the foundation of the Pisa tower settled unevenly. Construction was stopped, and was continued only a 100 years later. Therefore, the leaning tower was never straight.
- Ancient Egyptians used slabs of stones as pillows.