12 myths about the human body that we should forget

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12 myths about the human body that we should forget

  • Myth: We only use 10% of our brain
  • Fact: Most of the brain cortex works at full capacity even when we are sleep

  • Myth: Brain cells stop growing when you reach adulthood
  • Fact: Neurons flourish and change thoughout your entire life

  • Myth: Your sight deteriorates if you read in the dark or on a monitor
  • Fact: Your eyes get tired quickly this way, but recover after rest

  • Myth: Split ends can be cured by shampoo or hair conditioner
  • Fact: You can only get rid of split ends by cutting them

  • Myth: Humans only have 5 senses: sight, hearing, smell, tactile sense, and taste
  • Fact: We have at least 21 senses. Example: sense of balance and temperature

  • Myth: It's easier to catch a cold when it's actually cold
  • Fact: Colds are caused by viruses, not air temperature

  • Myth: Our heart skips a beat when we sneeze
  • Fact: The heart's rhythm sometimes changes, but it never stops

  • Myth: Alcoholic beverages make you warm
  • Fact: Alcohol dilates your superficial blood vessels, making you fell warmer

  • Myth: Sweat can remove toxins from our body
  • Fact: Sweat glands cool down your body

  • Myth: Carrots improve eyesight
  • Fact: Carrots helps prevent muscle degeneration, but they don't improve your sight

  • Myth: Healthy teeth should be perfectly white
  • Fact: A tooth's natural color is slightly yellowish

  • Myth: Burns heal better if you apply oil to them
  • Fact: You should apply something cold to the burn; oil makes a film on your skin that keeps heat inside