15 Amazing Facts You Didn’t Know About Animals

Funny interesting animals facts :

George Washington is responsible for the first breeding of Mammoth Jacks in the United States.
 George Washington is responsible for the first breeding of Mammoth Jacks in the United States.

Pandas don't have particular sleeping spots; they simply fall asleep wherever they happen to be.
 Pandas don't have particular sleeping spots; they simply fall asleep wherever they happen to be.

 Cows do have best friends and become stressed when they are separated.
 Cows do have best friends and become stressed when they are separated.

Elephants can't jump!
 Elephants can't jump!

Happy dogs wag their tails to the right, sad ones to the left.
 Happy dogs wag their tails to the right, sad ones to the left.

A domestic cat can outrun Usain Bolt.
 A domestic cat can outrun Usain Bolt.

Zebras can communicate with each other. Ears flat back, for example, means the zebra is annoyed, uncomfortable or angry.
Zebras can communicate with each other. Ears flat back, for example, means the zebra is annoyed, uncomfortable or angry.

Newborn cubs weight 100 grams each, are blind and deaf, and can't walk. Their mother must stay with them, their father brings food back for her to eat.
Newborn cubs weight 100 grams each, are blind and deaf, and can't walk. Their mother must stay with them, their father brings food back for her to eat.

A tiger's legs are so powerful that they can remain standing even when dead.
A tiger's legs are so powerful that they can remain standing even when dead.

Sheep are know to self-medicate when they have some illnesses. They will eat specific plants when ill that can cure them.
Sheep are know to self-medicate when they have some illnesses. They will eat specific plants when ill that can cure them.
Rabbits have 360 degrees panoramic vision, allowing them to detect predators from all directions.
Rabbits have 360 degrees panoramic vision, allowing them to detect predators from all directions.

Pig hearts have been used in human heart transplants.
Pig hearts have been used in human heart transplants.

Monkeys are worshipped in India; they are believed to represent the God Hanuman.
Monkeys are worshipped in India; they are believed to represent the God Hanuman.

Female lions,sisters, live together for life, Their female cubs also stay with the pride, even after they're grown, but male cubs must venture out on their own once they reach maturity.
Female lions,sisters, live together for life, Their female cubs also stay with the pride, even after they're grown, but male cubs must venture out on their own once they reach maturity.

A male penguin offers a pebble to a female penguin. If she takes it, they become partners. Some penguins don't build nests, instead they carry their eggs on their feet.
A male penguin offers a pebble to a female penguin. If she takes it, they become partners. Some penguins don't build nests, instead they carry their eggs on their feet.