30 Random Fun Things That You Probably Didn't Know

Amazing and weird random facts:

Amazing Random Fact: According to his first physical while President, Donald Trump and Homer Simpson weigh the exact same amount: 239 lbs.
Amazing Random Fact: According to his first physical while President, Donald Trump and Homer Simpson weigh the exact same amount: 239 lbs.
Amazing Random Fact: In 1912,There was a ‘Just Missed It’ club for people who nearly sailed on the maiden voyage of the HMS Titanic but for some reason did not.
Amazing Random Fact: In 1912,There was a ‘Just Missed It’ club for people who nearly sailed on the maiden voyage of the HMS Titanic but for some reason did not.
Amazing Random Fact: In 2013, there was a toilet paper shortage in Venezuela.  The government then accused the conservative opposition of hoarding toilet paper to make the crisis worse.
Amazing Random Fact: In 2013, there was a toilet paper shortage in Venezuela.  The government then accused the conservative opposition of hoarding toilet paper to make the crisis worse.
Amazing Random Fact: Psy’s Gangnam Style music video on Youtube exceeded the maximum number of views (2,147,483,647) on YouTube since a 32-bit integer was used.  View count is now stored as a 64-bit integer which can have a maximum number of 9,223,372,036,854,775,808.
Amazing Random Fact: Psy’s Gangnam Style music video on Youtube exceeded the maximum number of views (2,147,483,647) on YouTube since a 32-bit integer was used.  View count is now stored as a 64-bit integer which can have a maximum number of 9,223,372,036,854,775,808.
Amazing Random Fact: The recently bankrupted city of Detroit temporarily stopped printing death certificates in 2013 because it ran out of the specially embossed paper and the supplier wouldn’t take credit anymore.
Amazing Random Fact: The recently bankrupted city of Detroit temporarily stopped printing death certificates in 2013 because it ran out of the specially embossed paper and the supplier wouldn’t take credit anymore.
Amazing Random Fact: When Ivan the Terrible’s son Dmitri died, a bell was rung in Uglich to mark the death.  The bell was later lashed, tried for treason, found guilty and exiled to Siberia.
Amazing Random Fact: When Ivan the Terrible’s son Dmitri died, a bell was rung in Uglich to mark the death.  The bell was later lashed, tried for treason, found guilty and exiled to Siberia.
 Amazing Random Fact: The singular of spaghetti is spaghetto.
Amazing Random Fact: The singular of spaghetti is spaghetto.
Amazing Random Fact: A new study found that California has a mini earthquake (less than a magnitude of 1 on the Richter scale) roughly once every three minutes.
Amazing Random Fact: A new study found that California has a mini earthquake (less than a magnitude of 1 on the Richter scale) roughly once every three minutes.
Amazing Random Fact: Henry VIII built his servants a 14 seat toilet by the river Thames at Hampton Court called ‘The Great House Of Easement’.
Amazing Random Fact: Henry VIII built his servants a 14 seat toilet by the river Thames at Hampton Court called ‘The Great House Of Easement’.
Amazing Random Fact: Oxford University has been operating since (~1249 AD) before the founding of the Aztec Empire (1325 AD), and it’s not even the oldest known university (India’s Nalanda University was around for hundreds of year beforehand).
Amazing Random Fact: Oxford University has been operating since (~1249 AD) before the founding of the Aztec Empire (1325 AD), and it’s not even the oldest known university (India’s Nalanda University was around for hundreds of year beforehand).
 Amazing Random Fact: Every leaf in the world, no matter what latitude it’s at, has an internal temperature of 69.8°F or 21°C.  This temperature allows them to photosynthesize effectively.
Amazing Random Fact: Every leaf in the world, no matter what latitude it’s at, has an internal temperature of 69.8°F or 21°C.  This temperature allows them to photosynthesize effectively.
Amazing Random Fact: In 1938, singer Frank Sinatra was arrested for seduction (the act of a man enticing,without the use of physical force, a previously chaste/unmarried woman to consent to sexual intercourse). The charge was later dropped after the woman revealed she was married.
Amazing Random Fact: In 1938, singer Frank Sinatra was arrested for seduction (the act of a man enticing,without the use of physical force, a previously chaste/unmarried woman to consent to sexual intercourse). The charge was later dropped after the woman revealed she was married.
Amazing Random Fact: While on his honeymoon in 1825, British geologist William Buckland inspected and identified the bones at the shrine of St. Rosalia in Palermo, Italy as goat bones and not the bones of an adult female.  The goat bones are still on display today.
Amazing Random Fact: While on his honeymoon in 1825, British geologist William Buckland inspected and identified the bones at the shrine of St. Rosalia in Palermo, Italy as goat bones and not the bones of an adult female.  The goat bones are still on display today.
Amazing Random Fact: The British call a ladybug a ladybird.  They also have a variety of species including the 2-spot, 7-spot, 10-spot, and 14-spot ladybird, but they all can have a random number of spots e.g. the 2-spot ladybird can have upto 16 black or red spots.
Amazing Random Fact: The British call a ladybug a ladybird.  They also have a variety of species including the 2-spot, 7-spot, 10-spot, and 14-spot ladybird, but they all can have a random number of spots e.g. the 2-spot ladybird can have upto 16 black or red spots.
Amazing Random Fact: A Chinese farmer who always wanted his own plane built a full-scale, non-working replica of an Airbus A320 out of 50 tons of steel.  It took him and friends 2 years at a cost of $400,000.
Amazing Random Fact: A Chinese farmer who always wanted his own plane built a full-scale, non-working replica of an Airbus A320 out of 50 tons of steel.  It took him and friends 2 years at a cost of $400,000.

Amazing Random Fact: A conflict between chameleons is more likely to be initiated and won by the one with the brighter stripes. Additionally, there are rarely physical conflicts as the brighter/quicker color display is usually enough to win the duel.
Amazing Random Fact: A conflict between chameleons is more likely to be initiated and won by the one with the brighter stripes. Additionally, there are rarely physical conflicts as the brighter/quicker color display is usually enough to win the duel.
Amazing Random Fact: In the late 1800’s, over 70% of the men in Paraguay died in the War of the Triple Alliance (or Paraguayan War). They fought Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina simultaneously. By the end of the war, the total population was reduced by nearly 50% and they lost 40% of their pre-war territory.
Amazing Random Fact: In the late 1800’s, over 70% of the men in Paraguay died in the War of the Triple Alliance (or Paraguayan War). They fought Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina simultaneously. By the end of the war, the total population was reduced by nearly 50% and they lost 40% of their pre-war territory.
Amazing Random Fact: Studies show you are a better liar when you have a full bladder.  It is believed this is a result of the inhibitory spillover effect. If you are already using one type of self-control, it’s easier to be self-controlled at other things but only when doing those things simultaneously.
Amazing Random Fact: Studies show you are a better liar when you have a full bladder.  It is believed this is a result of the inhibitory spillover effect. If you are already using one type of self-control, it’s easier to be self-controlled at other things but only when doing those things simultaneously. 
Amazing Random Fact: Broomstacking is the tradition of having a drink with your opponent after a game of curling; the losing team typically buys the first round of drinks.
Amazing Random Fact: Broomstacking is the tradition of having a drink with your opponent after a game of curling; the losing team typically buys the first round of drinks.
Amazing Random Fact: Cashews actually grow on trees in fruits called cashew apples. Cashew apples can be eaten and fermented into alcohol called feni, however the green shell of the cashew contains a toxin similar to that of poison ivy.
Amazing Random Fact: Cashews actually grow on trees in fruits called cashew apples. Cashew apples can be eaten and fermented into alcohol called feni, however the green shell of the cashew contains a toxin similar to that of poison ivy.
Amazing Random Fact: A 2009 study found that the closer a woman lives to the equator, the more likely she is to give birth to a female.
Amazing Random Fact: A 2009 study found that the closer a woman lives to the equator, the more likely she is to give birth to a female.
Amazing Random Fact: From 2000 BC until 1992 AD, astronomers had only discovered three new planets.  In 2014, NASA’s Kepler space telescope team announced the discovery of over 700 new planets.
Amazing Random Fact: From 2000 BC until 1992 AD, astronomers had only discovered three new planets.  In 2014, NASA’s Kepler space telescope team announced the discovery of over 700 new planets.
Amazing Random Fact: Chick-fil-A was originally founded in 1946 by S. Truett Cathy and his brother Ben as Dwarf Grill in Hapeville, Georgia and then later renamed to Dwarf House. It wasn’t until the 1960’s that the Chick-fil-A name was trademarked and the first Chick-fil-A opened in an Atlanta mall in 1967.
Amazing Random Fact: Chick-fil-A was originally founded in 1946 by S. Truett Cathy and his brother Ben as Dwarf Grill in Hapeville, Georgia and then later renamed to Dwarf House. It wasn’t until the 1960’s that the Chick-fil-A name was trademarked and the first Chick-fil-A opened in an Atlanta mall in 1967. 
Amazing Random Fact: Sardinia’s Casu Marzu, which literally translates to ‘rotten cheese’, is safe to eat only if it contains live maggots.
Amazing Random Fact: Sardinia’s Casu Marzu, which literally translates to ‘rotten cheese’, is safe to eat only if it contains live maggots. 
Amazing Random Fact: A 2013 study found that nearly 1% of young, pregnant Americans claim to have conceived as virgins (or independently of men).
Amazing Random Fact: A 2013 study found that nearly 1% of young, pregnant Americans claim to have conceived as virgins (or independently of men).
Amazing Random Fact: During his second inauguration in 1905, Theodore Roosevelt wore a ring which contained a lock of Abraham Lincoln’s hair, it was given to him by Sec. of State John Hay, the former personal secretary to Lincoln.
Amazing Random Fact: During his second inauguration in 1905, Theodore Roosevelt wore a ring which contained a lock of Abraham Lincoln’s hair, it was given to him by Sec. of State John Hay, the former personal secretary to Lincoln.

Amazing Random Fact: Seahorses beat their dorsal fin (30 - 70 times per second) nearly as fast as hummingbirds beat their wings.
Amazing Random Fact: Seahorses beat their dorsal fin (30 - 70 times per second) nearly as fast as hummingbirds beat their wings.
Amazing Random Fact: If you stood on Mars’ equator at midday, it would feel like summer at your feet and winter at your head.
Amazing Random Fact: If you stood on Mars’ equator at midday, it would feel like summer at your feet and winter at your head.
Amazing Random Fact: The Wizard of Oz was financially a huge disappointment upon release. MGM netted a million dollar loss. It wasn’t until 1949 rerelease,that it turned a profit.
Amazing Random Fact: The Wizard of Oz was financially a huge disappointment upon release. MGM netted a million dollar loss. It wasn’t until 1949 rerelease,that it turned a profit.
Amazing Random Fact: Jerry Springer was born in Highgate tube station in London while it was being used as a bomb shelter during World War 2.
Amazing Random Fact: Jerry Springer was born in Highgate tube station in London while it was being used as a bomb shelter during World War 2.

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