Handy Tips For Confident Body Language

Confident Body Language • 10 tricks you should know: 

Handy Tips For Confident Body Language - psychology infographics facts

1. Posture

Walk with your shoulders back and chin up. Stand tall. Be proud. Be super-conscious of your stance.

2. Facial expressions

Consciously smile. This will create a warmth about you and people will want to talk to you.

3. Voice

Don't speak too quietly. Use varied intonation to sound more engaging and dynamic.

4. Hands

Use purposeful hand movements to reinforce your points and communicate energy.

5. Eyes

Maintain direct eye contact when you introduce yourself and while the person is talking to you.

6. Walk

Walk calmly, even when you feel in a rush. Calmness communicates confidence.

7. Space

Claim as much space as possible regardless of whether you're sitting or standing.

8. Speed

Slow down. Do everything slightly slower and deliberately than you normally would.

9. Stay cool

Be disciplined. Stay calm and collected even when you're flustered or someone's winding you up.

10. Visualise

Visualise yourself doing all of these things the next time you need to come across with charisma.
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