If your name is easy to pronounce, people will favor you more

Amazing and funny fact about names: 

Amazing Facts: New York University study found that people with easier-to-pronounce names have higher-status positions at work.

Did you know? New York University study found that people with easier-to-pronounce names have higher-status positions at work. source

  • If your name is easy to pronounce, people will favor you more.
  • If your name is common, you are more likely to be hired.
  • Uncommon names are associated with juvenile delinquency.
  • If you have a white-sounding name, you're more likely to get hired.
  • If your last name is closer to the beginning of the alphabet, you could get into a better school.
  • If your last name is closer to the end of the alphabet, you're more likely to be an impulse spender.
  • Using your middle initial makes people think you're smarter and more competent.
  • You are more likely to work in a company that matches your initials.
  • If your name sounds noble, you are more likely to work in a high-ranking position.
  • If you are a boy with a girl's name, you could be more likely to be suspended from school.
  • If you are a woman with a gender-neutral name, you may be more likely to succeed in certain fields.
  • Men with shorter first names are overrepresented in the c-suite.
  • Women at the top are more likely to use their full names.