But not these people. They live in the oceans. No, they aren’t mermaids or anything. But, yeah they do thrive on the ocean floor and its every bit is jaw dropping as it sounds.
Meet the Bajau people, the only ‘Sea Nomads’, who sail on their boats across the oceans as they did in the movie ‘Moana’.
The Bajau people, commonly known as “sea nomads,” live in coastal regions of the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. No one really knows the exact origin of this tribe but they are sure hell the most unique ones I have come across so far in my life.

They spend some 60 percent of their working hours in the sea. Really. More than half of their awake time is spent inside the sea. I bet the kids of Bajau tribe are the luckiest ones.

They are so well adapted to water that in order to forage for food, they dive to the depths of up to 230 feet below the surface. And just so you know, they do this without any specific diving gears or oxygen cylinders.

Bajau divers begin their training very young and these divers are known to hold their breath for several minutes at a time. No kidding.

They have larger spleens and their body has adapted to their lifestyle. Which is why they are so casual even when they dive.

Their genes have modified so that they can lead a better life underwater. It’s like mother nature is giving them a helping hand.

They live in a wooden house mounted on wooden poles, which they construct themselves.

And they get to see some of the best views through their windows.

Just look at the location and the sky in the background. Do you think they need anything more to be happy? I bet they don’t.

They practice and retain spiritually based religious practices that pre-date any major religion.

In fact, the story of Bajau people is rooted in their own unique folklore and traditions, with oral history passed down from generation to generation.

They cover their face with Burakor Borak, which is a sun-protecting powder made of water weeds, rice and a variety of spices. Totally organic. No wonder they don’t have any skin problems.

Kinau or Kinalau is one of Bajau tradition food in Borneo Sabah and is called ‘Hivana’ by Bajau people.

It mostly consists of seafood- octopus, fishes, oysters, clams and all the delicacies you can imagine. That too, fresh out of the sea.

They forage for food daily and use some for storage too. Basically, they live the most peaceful and simple life with least possessions.

Their houseboats sail together in flotillas (fleets) with other houseboats, usually of their immediate families or closest relatives.

They come together whether they hunt for fish or to conduct traditional ceremonies.

And they live as one group to support each other as a family. Which is why I guess they are the happiest on earth.

This is how their mornings look like and I couldn’t have imagined a better one, that’s for sure.

Even the kids are expert in sailing and take their own canoes in open waters, all by themselves.

Do you see how confident they look, sailing in a small boat? I have no idea how this little girl is balancing herself on this.

All in all, I believe these people have the best lives. No nationality, no passport, nothing to do with the heinous outside world. Life is literally a ‘BEACH’ for them.