Is Subconscious Mind is Million Times More Powerful Than the Conscious Mind?
I will explain using - Theory of Mind.
Brain is the hardware and Mind is the software. Mind can be divided into conscious mind and unconscious mind. Conscious mind works on logic, analyses and takes decisions. When we sleep, our conscious also goes to sleep. Conscious collects information through our senses.
Unconscious mind stores information and emotions. However emotions are felt at conscious level. Unconscious is working 24 by 7 but its power is not felt when conscious is awake. Unconscious is creative and imaginative. It controls all involuntary movements. Habits are stored in unconscious. Unconscious is responsible for our survival.
Unconscious cannot differentiate between reality and imagination. He is like a fertile soil. He doesn't argue and accepts the idea as it is. Dreams come from our unconscious mind.Unconscious is lot more powerful and resourceful compared to conscious.
Conscious is like passenger sitting in the car (life) and unconscious is like a driver who has all the resources like brake, accelerator, navigation system etc to drive the car.Let us take an example of most common fear that is of public speaking. There are people who are comfortable speaking in public. They look forward to it.
On the other hand, there are people who are scared of public speaking. In both the cases there is a programming in unconscious. In first case, the person sees the audience in his mind, clapping and appreciating him. In the second case, he sees the audience laughing at him, criticizing him or throwing tomatoes at him.
He may acquired this fear may be from environment or from past experience or during his upbringing. If we are able to change those pictures connected to public speaking and audiences’ reaction, the person who fears public speaking will be able to speak lot more confidently.
We need to establish connection with the unconscious and change the programming. In my experience, as a behavioural trainer, I have noticed that these self limiting beliefs prevents people from utilizing their full potential. Same is true for myself.
NLP has very powerful tools and techniques to help people utilize their full potential. You can control the thoughts that go into your unconscious, reprogram the beliefs you have, with more desirable ones for fulfilling your dreams.
The subconscious mind can easily override conscious intentions and force you to into certain paths. In the case of motivation for example you might consciously try to push yourself to do something only to find yourself lacking energy and interest.
In such a case you are not getting motivated because your subconscious mind doesn't actually see a point in motivating you. If you want to change anything your going to have to start with changing your subconscious. It rules you and you might not even know it. It’s where you make most of your decisions from and it’s where we tend to get stuck.
Try to catch yourself thinking and then become the watcher of your thoughts. And then laugh at yourself when you realize your not your thoughts and your thinking something crazy. By interrupting the thought process you will begin to rewire your mind.