30 Random WTF Facts That'll Take Your Mind Somewhere Strange

1-5 Amazing WTF Random Facts

Amazing WTF Facts. The Black Death led to sharp decline in available workforce in England and Wales.
The Black Death led to sharp decline in available workforce in England and Wales. Vagrancy laws criminalised unemployed people who could work but chose not to. People who were too sick or old to work had to obtain beggar's licenses.

Amazing WTF Facts. When Israel got attacked during the Yom Kippur war, the fact it was a holiday likely helped rather than hindered their response.
When Israel got attacked during the Yom Kippur war, the fact it was a holiday likely helped rather than hindered their response. Since roadways were clear and most folks were together in synagogue, the military was able to better mobilize reserve forces more quickly.

After a woman was murdered at a Texas church, it was discovered that a person in full makeshift tactical gear had been wandering around the church before her arrival. Amazing WTF Facts.
After a woman was murdered at a Texas church, it was discovered that a person in full makeshift tactical gear had been wandering around the church before her arrival. They were caught on the church’s CCTV and are thought to be her murderer. Despite over 2,000 tips, the case remains unsolved.

Amazing WTF Facts. 'Sherpa' is an ethnic group, and not a job title for those assisting people with climbing mountains.
'Sherpa' is an ethnic group, and not a job title for those assisting people with climbing mountains.

Amazing WTF Facts. In 2016 A tourist fell into an acidic pool in Yellowstone park and was dissolved in less than 24 hours.
In 2016 A tourist fell into an acidic pool in Yellowstone park and was dissolved in less than 24 hours.

6-10 Amazing WTF Random Facts

Viggo Mortensen purchased the horse he rode in 'Lord of The Rings.'  Amazing WTF Facts
Viggo Mortensen purchased the horse he rode in "Lord of The Rings." The horse had a hard time adjusting to the lights and sounds on set and it took a while for them to get in sync. "We got through it together and became friends. I wanted to stay in touch with him," said Viggo.

Amazing WTF Facts. When the territory of Wyoming applied to join the US, congress told them they'd have to stop letting women vote.
When the territory of Wyoming applied to join the US, congress told them they'd have to stop letting women vote. Their response was "We will remain out of the Union one hundred years rather than come in without the women”. In 1890 they joined as the first and only state to allow women to vote.

Spiders Can Fly Hundreds of Miles Using Electricity - Amazing WTF Facts
Spiders can use Earth Electric Field to fly "hundreds of miles"; Spiders have been found 2.5 miles up in the air, and 1,000 miles out in the sea.

Amazing WTF Facts. As of 2018 most of the early cryonics companies that froze dead bodies for future revival had gone out of business, and their stored corpses have been thawed and disposed of.
As of 2018 most of the early cryonics companies that froze dead bodies for future revival had gone out of business, and their stored corpses have been thawed and disposed of.

3500-year-old set of laws, Hammurabi's Code, regulated fees for medical procedures and had laws against medical malpractice. Amazing WTF Facts.
3500-year-old set of laws, Hammurabi's Code, regulated fees for medical procedures and had laws against medical malpractice.

11-15 Amazing WTF Random Facts

Amazing WTF Facts. Alice Cooper used to babysit Keanu Reeves.
Alice Cooper used to babysit Keanu Reeves.

Master swordsmith Masamune founded the Soshu tradition about 700 years ago. He has a 24th generation grandson who continues the tradition of forging blades, in the same area, to this day. Amazing WTF Facts. Master swordsmith Masamune founded the Soshu tradition about 700 years ago. He has a 24th generation grandson who continues the tradition of forging blades, in the same area, to this day.

Amazing WTF Facts. The SS Californian was within 15 miles of HMS Titanic the night Titanic sank.
The SS Californian was within 15 miles of HMS Titanic the night Titanic sank. The wireless operator for SS Californian sent a message to Titanic that it was stopped and surrounded by ice, then turned off his wireless equipment and went to bed. Titanic collided with the iceberg 10 minutes later.

A fatal dose of caffeine is 113 cups of coffee, but you’d die of water poisoning first. Amazing WTF Facts.
A fatal dose of caffeine is 113 cups of coffee, but you’d die of water poisoning first.

In 2017 thieves stole $18k worth of tracking equipment from a Silicon Valley startup business. They were caught within 5 to 6 hours. Amazing WTF Facts.
In 2017 thieves stole $18k worth of tracking equipment from a Silicon Valley startup business. They were caught within 5 to 6 hours.

16-20 Amazing WTF Random Facts

Army Deserter Is Jailed for Chasing the Conflicts That Steadied His Mind - Amazing WTF Facts.
One year after graduating from West Point near the top of his class in 2008, Second Lt. Lawrence J Franks Jr got on a plane to Paris & spent the next 5 years in the French Foreign Legion under an assumed name. Afterward he turned himself in to the US Army & was sentenced to 4 years for desertion.

Amazing WTF Facts. In France asking the race of a person is forbidden in most contexts (census, employment, university, etc.) and statistics based on race are forbidden.
In France asking the race of a person is forbidden in most contexts (census, employment, university, etc.) and statistics based on race are forbidden.

Dr. Hans Asperger  worked for the Hitler Youth - Amazing WTF Facts.
Dr. Hans Asperger, who first identified what would become known as "Asperger’s syndrome", personally recommended some of his child patients to be transferred into the Nazi's "child euthanasia" programs, including one where at least 800 children were killed. He later worked for the Hitler Youth.

When a streetcar hit a bus Frida Kahlo was on, she was impaled by a handrail, fracturing her spine and pelvis.
When a streetcar hit a bus Frida Kahlo was on, she was impaled by a handrail, fracturing her spine and pelvis. Due to these severe injuries and the long recovery, Frida took up painting to pass the time. She is now considered to be one of Mexico's greatest artists.

The Apollo 11 rock presented to Ireland was accidentally discarded in a landfill known as the Dunsink Landfill in October 1977... Amazing WTF Facts.
The Apollo 11 rock presented to Ireland was accidentally discarded in a landfill known as the Dunsink Landfill in October 1977 following a fire that consumed the Meridian room library at the Dublin Dunsink Observatory where the rock was displayed.

21-25 Amazing WTF Random Facts

The Shaggs, an all female rock band from New Hampshire who despite being remembered for their seeming ineptitude to play rock... Amazing WTF Facts.
The Shaggs, an all female rock band from New Hampshire who despite being remembered for their seeming ineptitude to play rock, were called “better than The Beatles” by Frank Zappa and made an album Kurt Cobain considered one of the best of all time.

Baseball fields are often built facing northeast. Amazing WTF Facts.
Baseball fields are often built facing northeast. This is done so the sun is kept out of the batter's eyes during an afternoon game. There is even a rule in Major League Baseball (Rule 1.04) that advises the ballparks to be oriented this way.

The oldest living Alligator, 'Muja' in the Belgrade Zoo - Amazing WTF Facts.
The oldest living Alligator, "Muja" in the Belgrade Zoo, not only survived WW2 (where the Belgrade zoo was almost totally destroyed) but also the 1999 NATO bombings during the war in Serbia, 54 years later. He is estimated to be at least 80 years old. But there are no records of his DOB.

'A Quiet Place' was edited on mute for over a month, and the first two cuts of the film were done with absolutely no sound. Amazing WTF Facts.
"A Quiet Place" was edited on mute for over a month, and the first two cuts of the film were done with absolutely no sound.

Tenzing Norgay, one of the first two men who reached Mount Everest - Amazing WTF Facts.
Tenzing Norgay, one of the first two men who reached Mount Everest, didn't know when his exact birthday was. After his ascent of Everest on 29 May 1953, he decided to celebrate his birthday on that day thereafter.

26-30 Amazing WTF Random Facts

3–15% of alcoholics commit suicide, and over 50% of all suicides are associated with alcohol or drug dependence - Amazing WTF Facts.
3–15% of alcoholics commit suicide, and over 50% of all suicides are associated with alcohol or drug dependence, due to alcohol causing physiological distortion of brain chemistry, as well as social isolation.

Amazing WTF Facts. Rosalind Franklin discovered the double-helix structure of DNA while James Watson, Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins are credited and shared the Nobel Prize in 1962.
Rosalind Franklin discovered the double-helix structure of DNA while James Watson, Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins are credited and shared the Nobel Prize in 1962.

Amazing WTF Facts. Cortes Bank, an underwater mountain 100 miles off the southern California coast that rises to within 3 feet of the ocean surface. Currents pushed up by the reef produce breaking waves of 80+ feet.
Cortes Bank, an underwater mountain 100 miles off the southern California coast that rises to within 3 feet of the ocean surface. Currents pushed up by the reef produce breaking waves of 80+ feet.

Obesity killing three times as many as malnutrition - Amazing WTF Facts.
With regards to health, obesity is a far more widespread threat than malnutrition.

More than half the territory of the Vatican City is made up of gardens. Amazing WTF Facts.
More than half the territory of the Vatican City is made up of gardens. They cover 57 acres. Pope Francis opened the Vatican Gardens to the public in 2014.