27 Psychological Facts That Will Leave You Feeling As Light As A Bird!

People who are shy and introverted, in social terms, are more attracted to their friends. They are also more loyal in their relationships.
People who are shy and introverted, in social terms, are more attracted to their friends. They are also more loyal in their relationships.

If you're wondering if someone wants to talk to you just fold your arms. If they're doing the same, they want it to.
If you're wondering if someone wants to talk to you just fold your arms. If they're doing the same, they want it to.
According to research, people sleeping with more than one pillow are often lonely and depressed.
According to research, people sleeping with more than one pillow are often lonely and depressed.
Listening to 5-10 different songs a day strengthens the memory and immune system and reduces the risk of depression by 80%.
Listening to 5-10 different songs a day strengthens the memory and immune system and reduces the risk of depression by 80%.
That person, who you can never get out of your mind, is also probably thinking of you.
That person, who you can never get out of your mind, is also probably thinking of you.
Take notice of the attitude of someone talking about others around you. Because while they talk to others about you, they will do it the same way.
Take notice of the attitude of someone talking about others around you. Because while they talk to others about you, they will do it the same way.
According to the Japanese, we have three different faces. Our first one is the one we show the world. The second is the one we only show to our close friends and family. Our third face is the one we don't show to anyone. I guess you understand, which one is the real and the true one.
According to the Japanese, we have three different faces. Our first one is the one we show the world. The second is the one we only show to our close friends and family. Our third face is the one we don't show to anyone. I guess you understand, which one is the real and the true one.
Those who are awake late at night are more likely to be psychopaths than people who wake up early.
Those who are awake late at night are more likely to be psychopaths than people who wake up early.
The people you receive the best advice about your life from are the people who are usually the most problematic in their own life.
The people you receive the best advice about your life from are the people who are usually the most problematic in their own life.
Too much thinking allows our mind to produce negative scenarios or to remember painful memories.
Too much thinking allows our mind to produce negative scenarios or to remember painful memories.
People who often swear are generally emotionally stronger and smarter.
People who often swear are generally emotionally stronger and smarter.
Intelligent people often stay away from conflict. That explains how they to understand many things but stay silent.
Intelligent people often stay away from conflict. That explains how they to understand many things but stay silent.
People who are easily frustrated by simple things feel the need to be loved more subconsciously.
People who are easily frustrated by simple things feel the need to be loved more subconsciously.
If someone is saying "you have changed," most likely you have stopped behaving as he / she wants.
If someone is saying "you have changed," most likely you have stopped behaving as he / she wants.
According to psychology, if two ex-lovers can stay friends after they have broken up, they are either still in love, or never were.
According to psychology, if two ex-lovers can stay friends after they have broken up, they are either still in love, or never were.
Our talks with our children, become their inner voice.
Our talks with our children, become their inner voice.
A friendship that is actively over 7 years will probably last a lifetime.
A friendship that is actively over 7 years will probably last a lifetime.
Within 6-8 months, our brain will completely forgive someone who hurt us.
Within 6-8 months, our brain will completely forgive someone who hurt us.
People who refuse to be attached to others are those who have experienced the most disappointments.
People who refuse to be attached to others are those who have experienced the most disappointments.
Before we sleep, 90% of our minds start to imagine what will happen to us.
Before we sleep, 90% of our minds start to imagine what will happen to us.
The most powerful way to win a debate is to ask relevant questions. So the logic mistakes in our opponents' minds are more easily revealed.
The most powerful way to win a debate is to ask relevant questions. So the logic mistakes in our opponents' minds are more easily revealed.
Remember: the deceivers will always think of deception. The liars will think that everyone is lying.
Remember: the deceivers will always think of deception. The liars will think that everyone is lying.
Women pay more attention to the smell of men than their appearance.
Women pay more attention to the smell of men than their appearance.
Dogs can feel people's unhappiness. They will snuggle them to get rid of it.
Dogs can feel people's unhappiness. They will snuggle them to get rid of it.
The best way to understand someone's worth is to dream of a life without him/her.
The best way to understand someone's worth is to dream of a life without him/her.
It takes 3-4 years to really know a person. Couples who have known each other this long before getting married are less likely to divorce.
It takes 3-4 years to really know a person. Couples who have known each other this long before getting married are less likely to divorce.
The mood when everything bothers you probably indicates that you miss someone.
The mood when everything bothers you probably indicates that you miss someone.