60 Amazing And Insane Random WTF Facts

Public phones are outdated due to cellular phones so the phone booths were converted to Aquariums in Osaka, Japan. Amazing WTF Facts.
Public phones are outdated due to cellular phones so the phone booths were converted to Aquariums in Osaka, Japan.
When young people are affected by grief, their immune system becomes stronger. However, when older people experience grief, their immune system weakens. This might explain why many elderly couples pass away only a short time apart. Amazing WTF Facts.
When young people are affected by grief, their immune system becomes stronger. However, when older people experience grief, their immune system weakens. This might explain why many elderly couples pass away only a short time apart.
Researchers studying the cause of addiction found that rats kept in solitary confinement were more likely to drink morphine-laced water...Amazing WTF Facts
Researchers studying the cause of addiction found that rats kept in solitary confinement were more likely to drink morphine-laced water than those that lived in the Rat Park The lonely rats became addicted to the point of fatal overdose while the social rats made use of running wheels and nesting areas sought out positive life experiences and preferred drinking regular water
The brave Man's Bridge in Hunan, China is nearly 984 feet long, hangs 591 feet above the ground, and is made of glass. WTF Fun Facts.
The brave Man's Bridge in Hunan, China is nearly 984 feet long, hangs 591 feet above the ground, and is made of glass. WTF Fun Facts.
 Costco purposefully designed their store without signs to force people to wander through all the aisles and find things to buy. Amazing WTF Facts.
 Costco purposefully designed their store without signs to force people to wander through all the aisles and find things to buy.
You have holes in your bottom eyelids. The punctum drains excess tears into your nose, which is why your nose runs when you cry. Amazing WTF Facts.
You have holes in your bottom eyelids. The punctum drains excess tears into your nose, which is why your nose runs when you cry.
The “call of the void” is the name of a common feeling you experience when you are in a high place and get thoughts of jumping when you do not actually want to jump. Amazing WTF Facts.
The “call of the void” is the name of a common feeling you experience when you are in a high place and get thoughts of jumping when you do not actually want to jump.
The yolk of a flamingo egg is pink. Amazing WTF Facts.
The yolk of a flamingo egg is pink.
A 95-year-old war veteran saved his abandoned village in Taiwan from demolition by covering the entire settlement with colorful painted-characters. "Rainbow Village" is now a protected cultural site and tourist destination. Amazing WTF Facts.
A 95-year-old war veteran saved his abandoned village in Taiwan from demolition by covering the entire settlement with colorful painted-characters. "Rainbow Village" is now a protected cultural site and tourist destination.
Male kangaroos flex their biceps to impress females. Amazing WTF Facts.
Male kangaroos flex their biceps to impress females.
The physical act of passing through a doorway is the reason why you often walk into a room and completely forget what you were doing. Because going through a door signifies the beginning or end of something, this creates an ‘event boundary’ within your mind. Basically, every time you walk through a doorway, your brain starts filing away  thoughts from your previous location  to make room for a new group of  memories in the next.
Alcatraz's reputation as a tough as nails prison was a Hollywood myth. Many inmates requested transfer there on account of its good food and one man per cell policy. Amazing WTF Facts.
Alcatraz's reputation as a tough as nails prison was a Hollywood myth. Many inmates requested transfer there on account of its good food and one man per cell policy.
The ancient murrelets is the only bird known to migrate across the entire North Pacific. Many migrate 5,000 miles from Canada to winter near Japan and China, even though the climate is nearly identical. Amazing WTF Facts.
The ancient murrelets is the only bird known to migrate across the entire North Pacific. Many migrate 5,000 miles from Canada to winter near Japan and China, even though the climate is nearly identical. Amazing WTF Facts.
During the Great Depression, Arkansas’s treasurer reported a balance of $4.62 for the entire general revenue fund of the state. Amazing WTF Facts.
During the Great Depression, Arkansas’s treasurer reported a balance of $4.62 for the entire general revenue fund of the state. 
Avocados nearly went extinct 13,000 years ago after large animals like the mammoth and giant ground sloth went extinct. With no means of dispersing the seeds, it was left to early farmers to cultivate the species. Amazing WTF Facts.
Avocados nearly went extinct 13,000 years ago after large animals like the mammoth and giant ground sloth went extinct. With no means of dispersing the seeds, it was left to early farmers to cultivate the species.
The world’s most expensive perfume is Clive Christian No. 1 Passant Guardant. It costs $143,000 for 30ml and comes in a flask studded with 2,000 diamonds. Amazing WTF Facts.
The world’s most expensive perfume is Clive Christian No. 1 Passant Guardant. It costs $143,000 for 30ml and comes in a flask studded with 2,000 diamonds.
Anthropologists can partly determine the ancestral routes of different people and how those ancestors got to where their descendants now live by examining earwax. Amazing WTF Fact.
Anthropologists can partly determine the ancestral routes of different people and how those ancestors got to where their descendants now live by examining earwax.
In the 1820’s, a Cherokee named Sequoyah invented a writing system with 85 characters that was considered by many superior to the English alphabet. It could be learned in a few weeks and within a couple years majority of the Cherokees could read and write. Amazing WTF Facts.
In the 1820’s, a Cherokee named Sequoyah invented a writing system with 85 characters that was considered by many superior to the English alphabet. It could be learned in a few weeks and within a couple years majority of the Cherokees could read and write.
The anthropologist Grover Krantz, who was infamous for believing in Bigfoot’s existence, donated his body to the Smithsonian on the condition his dogs were kept close to him. The museum honored his request. Amazing WTF Facts.
The anthropologist Grover Krantz, who was infamous for believing in Bigfoot’s existence, donated his body to the Smithsonian on the condition his dogs were kept close to him. The museum honored his request.
There’s a town in Alaska named Chicken. The citizens wanted to name it Ptarmigan after a popular local bird but they couldn’t agree on the spelling so they went with chicken instead. Amazing WTF Facts.
There’s a town in Alaska named Chicken. The citizens wanted to name it Ptarmigan after a popular local bird but they couldn’t agree on the spelling so they went with chicken instead.
The inventor of the USB standard Ajay Bhatt intended for it to be reversible but the idea was abandoned due to additional cost. Despite it becoming the standard, he regrets the decision. Amazing WTF Fact.
The inventor of the USB standard Ajay Bhatt intended for it to be reversible but the idea was abandoned due to additional cost. Despite it becoming the standard, he regrets the decision.
The first television broadcast took place in 1925. It was a done with a grey scale image in a 30-line vertically scanned format, at five pictures per second using a ventriloquist’s dummy nicknamed “Stooky Bill”. – WTF Fun Facts
The first television broadcast took place in 1925. It was a done with a grey scale image in a 30-line vertically scanned format, at five pictures per second using a ventriloquist’s dummy nicknamed “Stooky Bill”. – WTF Fun Facts 
Sarah the cheetah holds the planet-wide record for the fastest 100-meter dash, finishing in 5.95 seconds at a speed of 61 mph. – WTF Fun Facts
Sarah the cheetah holds the planet-wide record for the fastest 100-meter dash, finishing in 5.95 seconds at a speed of 61 mph. 
Former Uruguayan President José Mujica spent over 12 years in prison. He escaped and was recaptured twice, and then confined to the bottom of an old, emptied horse-watering trough for more than two years. – WTF Fun Facts
Former Uruguayan President José Mujica spent over 12 years in prison. He escaped and was recaptured twice, and then confined to the bottom of an old, emptied horse-watering trough for more than two years. – WTF Fun Facts 
Tigers are orange in color because their main prey, deer, see them as green. Deer are only capable of seeing blue and green light, which makes them color-blind to red. – WTF Fun Facts
Tigers are orange in color because their main prey, deer, see them as green. Deer are only capable of seeing blue and green light, which makes them color-blind to red. 
“Häagen-Dazs” is a completely made up name by its Polish Jewish founders to try and sound Danish. The umlaut doesn’t exist in Danish nor does the “zs” letter combination. – WTF Fun Facts
“Häagen-Dazs” is a completely made up name by its Polish Jewish founders to try and sound Danish. The umlaut doesn’t exist in Danish nor does the “zs” letter combination.
Gorillas sing happy songs while they eat. They don’t sing the same song every time, and they sing louder while eating their favorite food. – WTF Fun Facts
Gorillas sing happy songs while they eat. They don’t sing the same song every time, and they sing louder while eating their favorite food. – WTF Fun Facts 
In the early 20th century, the Prussian rulers prohibited the Danes in the area from displaying the Danish flag. In protest, they bred and displayed Husum Red Pied pigs that’s coloring resembled the flag of Denmark. – WTF Fun Facts
In the early 20th century, the Prussian rulers prohibited the Danes in the area from displaying the Danish flag. In protest, they bred and displayed Husum Red Pied pigs that’s coloring resembled the flag of Denmark. 
Blue eyes don’t have blue pigment but are instead blue because they scatter light so that only blue light reflects out, similar to the sky and water. – WTF Fun Facts
Blue eyes don’t have blue pigment but are instead blue because they scatter light so that only blue light reflects out, similar to the sky and water. 
An international team of scientists and Google engineers have discovered that the Rubik’s cube puzzle can always be solved in 20 moves or less. – WTF Fun Facts
An international team of scientists and Google engineers have discovered that the Rubik’s cube puzzle can always be solved in 20 moves or less.
In 1964, a kangaroo got stuck in the elevator at Television Centre during the launch of BBC2. – WTF Fun Facts
In 1964, a kangaroo got stuck in the elevator at Television Centre during the launch of BBC2. – WTF Fun Facts
Human saliva contains a painkiller called Opiophin that is roughly 6 times more powerful than morphine. – WTF Fun Facts
Human saliva contains a painkiller called Opiophin that is roughly 6 times more powerful than morphine. 
The world’s largest serving of fried chicken totaling 3,675 pounds was prepared by 18 vendors at a food festival in Japan for a new Guinness World Record. – WTF Fun Facts
The world’s largest serving of fried chicken totaling 3,675 pounds was prepared by 18 vendors at a food festival in Japan for a new Guinness World Record. 
Some slaughterhouses use a ‘Judas goat’. It’s a trained goat that will calmly lead livestock to their slaughter while its own life is spared. – WTF Fun Facts
Some slaughterhouses use a ‘Judas goat’. It’s a trained goat that will calmly lead livestock to their slaughter while its own life is spared. – WTF Fun Facts 

The record for the longest pregnancy is held by Beulah Hunter who in 1945 was pregnant for a year and 10 days, nearly 100 days longer than the average pregnancy. – WTF Fun Facts
The record for the longest pregnancy is held by Beulah Hunter who in 1945 was pregnant for a year and 10 days, nearly 100 days longer than the average pregnancy. 
Mark Zuckerberg created an AI assistant for his home named Jarvis, after the butler in Iron Man, that is voiced by Morgan Freeman. – WTF Fun Facts
Mark Zuckerberg created an AI assistant for his home named Jarvis, after the butler in Iron Man, that is voiced by Morgan Freeman. – WTF Fun Facts 
In the remote Pilbara region of Australia, an aboriginal community built a train to carry their children to school. The train cars are made from metal barrels, and the locomotive is a tractor. – WTF Fun Facts
In the remote Pilbara region of Australia, an aboriginal community built a train to carry their children to school. The train cars are made from metal barrels, and the locomotive is a tractor. 
Michael Jackson’s hair caught on fire at the exact middle of his life, down to the day. He lived 18,565 days and on day 9,283 (Jan 27, 1984) his hair caught on fire during a Pepsi commercial shoot. – WTF Fun Facts
Michael Jackson’s hair caught on fire at the exact middle of his life, down to the day. He lived 18,565 days and on day 9,283 (Jan 27, 1984) his hair caught on fire during a Pepsi commercial shoot. 
There is a d.i.y Netflix Project which creates a pair of socks that will pause what you’re watching if you fall asleep while watching. – WTF Fun Facts
There is a d.i.y Netflix Project which creates a pair of socks that will pause what you’re watching if you fall asleep while watching.  
A study found you are more likely to have nightmares if you sleep on your left side instead of your right. – WTF Fun Facts
A study found you are more likely to have nightmares if you sleep on your left side instead of your right. – WTF Fun Facts
In 1969, Astronauts embarking on the Apollo 11 space mission were unable to get life insurance so instead they sent their families autographed & postmarked envelopes. – WTF Fun Facts
In 1969, Astronauts embarking on the Apollo 11 space mission were unable to get life insurance so instead they sent their families autographed & postmarked envelopes.
The movie The Godfather does not contain the words ‘mafia’ or ‘la cosa nostra’ because of a deal struck between the producer and the mafia. – WTF Fun Facts
The movie The Godfather does not contain the words ‘mafia’ or ‘la cosa nostra’ because of a deal struck between the producer and the mafia. 
In order to receive a passport, Dutch immigrants must watch a two-hour video which includes beach nudity as a way of making them aware of the Netherlands’s liberal values. – WTF Fun Facts
In order to receive a passport, Dutch immigrants must watch a two-hour video which includes beach nudity as a way of making them aware of the Netherlands’s liberal values. – WTF Fun Facts 
Before 1996, travelers were not required to present any form of ID before boarding a plane and a large secondary market for airline tickets existed. It was finally implemented as a knee-jerk response to the TWA flight 800 mystery. – WTF Fun Facts
Before 1996, travelers were not required to present any form of ID before boarding a plane and a large secondary market for airline tickets existed. It was finally implemented as a knee-jerk response to the TWA flight 800 mystery. 
The ancient Greek word for a person aroused by garlic is Physiggoomai. – WTF Fun Facts
The ancient Greek word for a person aroused by garlic is Physiggoomai. – WTF Fun Facts
In 1294, Pope Celestine V was elected after a two-year impasse. He was a monk and hermit before being elected and passed an edict allowing Popes to abdicate, which he did a week after issuing the decree and ~5 months as Pope. – WTF Fun Facts
In 1294, Pope Celestine V was elected after a two-year impasse. He was a monk and hermit before being elected and passed an edict allowing Popes to abdicate, which he did a week after issuing the decree and ~5 months as Pope. 
The Washington Monument is capped with a 9″, 100 ounce aluminum pyramid. Aluminum was a precious metal in 1884 and the pyramid was displayed at Tiffany’s jewelry store in New York before it was placed at the top. – WTF Fun Facts
The Washington Monument is capped with a 9″, 100 ounce aluminum pyramid. Aluminum was a precious metal in 1884 and the pyramid was displayed at Tiffany’s jewelry store in New York before it was placed at the top. 
Viking’s accidentally made a rudimentary form of steel when they tried to fuse the spirit of an animal or ancestor into a weapon. They would crush bones and fuse it into iron when forging weapons. – WTF Fun Facts
Viking’s accidentally made a rudimentary form of steel when they tried to fuse the spirit of an animal or ancestor into a weapon. They would crush bones and fuse it into iron when forging weapons. 
In 2018, Snoop Dogg set the world record for the largest paradise cocktail with a ~132 gallon gin and juice at the BottleRock Napa Valley music festival. It contained 180 bottles of gin, 154 bottles of apricot brandy, and just 38 jugs of orange juice. – WTF Fun Facts
In 2018, Snoop Dogg set the world record for the largest paradise cocktail with a ~132 gallon gin and juice at the BottleRock Napa Valley music festival. It contained 180 bottles of gin, 154 bottles of apricot brandy, and just 38 jugs of orange juice.
In 2012, Choi Gap-bok escaped from prison by squeezing his body through a 5.9″ tall and 17.7″ wide food slot when the guards were sleeping. He is a yoga practitioner and applied skin ointment to his body in order to slip out. – WTF Fun Facts
In 2012, Choi Gap-bok escaped from prison by squeezing his body through a 5.9″ tall and 17.7″ wide food slot when the guards were sleeping. He is a yoga practitioner and applied skin ointment to his body in order to slip out.
William G. Thilly, the inventor of Apple Jacks cereal, is now a professor of biological engineering at MIT and invented the cereal while he was a summer intern. – WTF Fun Facts
William G. Thilly, the inventor of Apple Jacks cereal, is now a professor of biological engineering at MIT and invented the cereal while he was a summer intern. 
A study found store-bought tomatoes taste bland because they are missing the gene (TomLoxC) which gives them their flavor. 93% of the current, domesticated varieties sold in stores are missing the gene. – WTF Fun Facts
A study found store-bought tomatoes taste bland because they are missing the gene (TomLoxC) which gives them their flavor. 93% of the current, domesticated varieties sold in stores are missing the gene. 
The blue-banded bee (Amegilla murrayensis) head-bangs flowers 350x a second in order to obtain pollen. – WTF Fun Facts
The blue-banded bee (Amegilla murrayensis) head-bangs flowers 350x a second in order to obtain pollen. – WTF Fun Facts
A professor at Texas A&M Galveston failed his entire class and quit, because he thought that all of his students were disruptive or dishonest and therefore didn’t deserve to pass the course. This was his worst in his 20 years of teaching. – WTF Fun Facts
A professor at Texas A&M Galveston failed his entire class and quit, because he thought that all of his students were disruptive or dishonest and therefore didn’t deserve to pass the course. This was his worst in his 20 years of teaching.
MIT engineers have created a robotic, snake-like thread that can navigate through narrow blood vessels in the brain, promising treatment for strokes and other blockages. – WTF Fun Facts
MIT engineers have created a robotic, snake-like thread that can navigate through narrow blood vessels in the brain, promising treatment for strokes and other blockages. 
A Welsh community built 2,044 sandcastles on the Whitmore Bay beach to break a Guinness World Record. – WTF Fun Facts
A Welsh community built 2,044 sandcastles on the Whitmore Bay beach to break a Guinness World Record. – WTF Fun Facts
Japan proposed an amendment to the Treaty of Versailles to abolish all racial discrimination. The US and Australia were the only opposition to it and so it was not included. As a compromise, Japan received a number of Pacific islands instead. – WTF Fun Facts
Japan proposed an amendment to the Treaty of Versailles to abolish all racial discrimination. The US and Australia were the only opposition to it and so it was not included. As a compromise, Japan received a number of Pacific islands instead. 
An upside down pineapple in your grocery cart, or as a bumper sticker, or an upside down door knocker indicates the person is into swinging. – WTF Fun Facts
An upside down pineapple in your grocery cart, or as a bumper sticker, or an upside down door knocker indicates the person is into swinging. 
In 1936, Vladimir Lukyanov built a water (integrator) computer. It was the world’s first computer for solving (partial) differential equations for Russia. – WTF Fun Facts
In 1936, Vladimir Lukyanov built a water (integrator) computer. It was the world’s first computer for solving (partial) differential equations for Russia. 
The Western Winter Wren can sing 36 notes per second, more than double the 16 notes that the Eastern version can sing. – WTF Fun Facts
The Western Winter Wren can sing 36 notes per second, more than double the 16 notes that the Eastern version can sing. – WTF Fun Facts