It only takes one lie to completely change a person's perception of who you are. |
If you want to go somewhere you like but no one else wants to, go by yourself. You'll meet people with similar interests as you. |
A negative mind will never give you a positive life. |
A study found that two hours of silence per day prompts cell development in the hippocampus region of the brain, where memories are formed. |
The cells in your body react to everything that your mind says. Negativity brings down your immune system. |
95% of people feel uncomfortable when the TV volume is an odd number. |
People who shower first thing in the morning tend to be more creative, productive and more alert. |
People who spend more time in the sun are likely to be happier and happy people are more likely to fall in love because their happiness is infectious. |
Psychology says that people who let their romance blossom for a lengthy period of time are more likely to have a longer relationship. |
Based on a psychological study, a crush only lasts for a maximum of 4 months. If is exceeds, then you are already in love. |
The colour blue causes the brain to release relaxing hormones. |
The smell of chocolate has been found to slow down brain waves, making us feel calm. |
Act happy and others will want to be with you. people love happy people because they want to be happy themselves. |
Psychology says, forgiving is not forgetting. it's letting go of the hurt. |
Unhappy people watch more TV. |
When studying a certain subject, pretend that you'll have to teach the material, this will help you pay more attention. |
Females are better at reading even the smallest facial and verbal emotional expressions when compared to males. |
When you're alone, you reflect. When you reflect, you over think. You over think, then you regret. You regret and become depressed! |
Psychology claims that if two past lovers can remain just friends, its either they are still in love, or never were. |
A healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice your friends, your dreams or your dignity. |
When a person cries and the first drop of tears comes from the right eye, it's happiness. But when the first roll is from the left, it's pain. |
Children and adults who believe in the power of effort to overcome challenges are more resilient and ultimately more successful. |
Psychologically, damaged people tend to be the strongest because they know they can survive anything. Pain strengthens the mind. |
The most common lie is 'I'm fine. |
Studies have found that the internet makes your brain lazy. |
Dreaming requires more brain activity than any function that occurs when you're awake. |
A kiss can be ten times more effective than morphine in reducing pain, as it's thought that it activates the body's natural pain-killers! |
If you've got an itch in your throat, Scratch your ear. |
Morning people are happier and more satisfied with life overall than night owls. |
When a person laughs too much, even on stupid things, that person is sad deep inside. When a person sleeps a lot, that person is lonely. |