There Is A Spacecraft Graveyard In The South Pacific Ocean.

There is a spacecraft graveyard in the South Pacific Ocean.


There is a spacecraft graveyard in the South Pacific Ocean. Known as “Point Nemo”, it is the furthest place on the Earth from land. It is home to over 300 spacecraft and associated space debris, including the MIR space station, the first ever object assembled in planetary orbit by Russian cosmonauts.

Where is the spacecraft graveyard?

Uninhabited location un the South Pacific Ocean. The spacecraft graveyard is situated in the South Pacific Ocean Uninhabited Area (47°24′42′′S 177°22′45′′E, close to the Bounty Islands in New Zealand).

How deep is Point Nemo in the Pacific Ocean?

Point Nemo is a watery tomb thousands of kilometers away from everything where space stations are sent to die. The space cemetery is located 4 kilometers under the sea, the furthest place from any landmass on Earth.

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